
Haas Wellness Center  3315 Springbank Lane, Charlotte NC 28226

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Haas Wellness Center  3315 Springbank Lane, Charlotte NC 28226


What Are Meridians And How Do They Affect Our Health?

What Are Meridians And How Do They Affect Our Health?

Usually when the word Meridian is used the sound of new age music comes to mind and people tend to think “I don’t know what that is but it’s probably not for me”. The truth is, if you are alive, you have meridians. The state of every aspect of your health is affected by how your meridians are flowing. Not addressing this leaves a major part of your healing journey to “good luck.”

There are 12 main meridians that flow through the body. Meridians flow from head to toe and, much like your veins. While veins deliver blood flow through the body, meridians deliver electrical energy. Often this is referred to as qi (pronounced CHEE). The meridians are independent in their path, but the energy is passed from one to another, so they all work together. Keeping this energy flowing at the same level is what I call “Meridian Balancing.”

Why is it important to balance meridians? Imagine a car having air in all 4 tires but 2 of the tires have too much air while 2 have too little air. When you press the gas pedal the car will move, however, you’re in for a very bumpy ride because the tires that would normally give you a smooth ride are imbalanced. Having a bumpy ride is just phase one of car damage. In the long run you may have brake issues, shock and strut damage and eventually engine trouble, as it was not designed to be moving in a car that is shaking violently. Major long-term damage can be avoided by simply having the proper air pressure in all 4 tires. Your meridians act in the same way!

Acugraph Report Sample

When electrical energy is not evenly distributed between the meridians your body cannot work properly and symptoms like headaches, back pain, feelings of depression and anxiety, muscle twitches, brain fog and many other symptoms start showing up.

To balance meridians, you must first determine which meridians of the 12 are either holding too much electrical energy or too little. In my practice, I do this using a technology called Acugraph.

With Acugraph tools, I scan the 6 meridian points on the hands and the 6 meridian points on the feet, resulting in a chart that shows all the electrical imbalances. These imbalances can be too much energy at the top or bottom of the body or too little energy on the left or right side of the body. For instance, a client with too much electricity at the bottom of their body can easily lead to headaches or dizziness at the top of their body because the top doesn’t have what it needs to function. Restoring the proper electrical balance creates a harmonious flow and the symptoms disappear because the cause has been corrected.

This is true healing, unlike taking a pain killer which only turns off pain receptors so that you do not feel it yet does nothing for the true cause. Meridian balancing corrects the true cause; thus, the symptom no longer exists.

Making meridian balancing a part of your health routine can prevent future problems and stop current ones in their tracks. Consider consulting with a practitioner in your area to get your energy score. If you’re in the Charlotte, NC area, book a free consultation with me to see if this healing therapy is right for you.

#meridianbalancing #balance #naturalhealing #health #naturalhealth

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